Step 1 :
Fill water your siphon’s bottom component, or “Lower Bowl” that on point number 2 with hot water 90 - 93 °C.
Step 2 :
Put the filter paper in the center of the top side straight. Take the lower it’s end down to lock the bottom of the bowl.
Step 3 :
Assemble the hopper, into the lower bowl. You don't have to press too hard. But should do not allow air to enter.
Step 4 :
While the water is heating. Soon the water in the lower bowl will begin boiling and rise up into the hopper. Add the ground coffee 18 grams on top.
Step 5 :
It with a bamboo paddle 10 stirs per 10 seconds.
Step 6 :
Waiting 30 seconds, after that give it ten stirs 15 seconds with a bamboo paddle. Your coffee should take 45 seconds. Then turn off the stove.
Step 7 :
Wait for the coffee to cool down in the your siphon’s bottom component.